Social program
21 July 2019 (Sunday PM)
Excursion to the coast (Rías Baixas) visiting A Lanzada beach, which is 85 km from Santiago. Excursion departure is scheduled at 15:30h from the Faculty of Mathematics (conference location). The excursion includes a boat trip and a visit to an albariño winery in Cambados, where a wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres will be offered. Arriving at Santiago will be around 21:30h.
This hike is optional and it is not included in the registration fees. Cost 35 €: includes lunch, coach, official mountain guides and insurance
23 July 2019 (Tuesday PM)
Guided tour of Santiago de Compostela for those who are not willing to travel. It includes a visit to the Cathedral, a walk along the history of the University and a tour on the tourist train. Excursion departure will be at 18:00h from the Faculty of Mathematics (conference location) and it is scheduled to end around 19:55h.
Important information: Remind that it is compulsory for any accompanying persons to indicate if they are interested in any of the excursions upon registration.