Invited speakers

Ignacio Grossmann

Ignacio E. Grossmann is the R. R. Dean University Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon, and member of the "Center for Advanced Process Decision-making."  A member of the National Academy of Engineering, he has received many awards, including the first Sargent Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers. His research interests are in discrete and nonlinear optimization under uncertainty, energy systems, and planning and scheduling . He has authored over 500 papers, and has supervised 58 Ph.D. students.


Webpage: Carnegie Mellon University

Volker Mehrmann. Institut f. Mathematik, TU Berlin, Germany.

Volker Mehrmann received his Diploma in mathematics in 1979, his Ph.D. in 1982, and his habilitation in 1987 from the University of Bielefeld, Germany. He spent research years at Kent State University in 1979-1980, at the University of Wisconsin in 1984-1985, and at IBM Research Center in Heidelberg in 1988--1989. After teaching in the years 1990-1992 as a visiting full professor at the RWTH Aachen,  he was a full professor at TU Chemnitz from 1993 to 2000. Since then he is full professor for Mathematics at TU Berlin.

He is a member of acatech (the German academy of engineering), academia europaea, he was president of GAMM the (International association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), and since 2019 he is president of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). He was chair of MATHEON, the Research Center `Mathematics for key technologies´ and chair of the Einstein Center ECMath in Berlin. 

He is SIAM Fellow, has held an ERC Advanced Grant and also was member of the ERC Mathematics Panel. He is editor of several journals in numerical analysis and editor-in-chief of Linear Algebra and its Applications. His research interests are in the areas of numerical mathematics/scientific computing, applied and numerical linear algebra, control theory, and the theory and numerical solution of differential-algebraic equations.

Webpage: Inst. f. Mathematik, TU Berlin

Stefan Nickel. Institute of Operations Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.

Stefan Nickel is a full professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT (Germany) and one of the directors of the Institute of Operations Research.

He obtained his PhD in mathematics at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) in 1995. From 1995 to 2003 he was assistant and associate professor in mathematics at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. After a full professor position at the Saarland University (Chair of Operations Research and Logistics) from 2003 to 2009, he joined the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology as the Chair in Discrete Optimization and Logistics in April 2009. From 2014-2016 he was the dean of the Department of Economics and Management at the KIT. Stefan Nickel was also member of the scientific advisory board as well as of the management board of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Mathematics (ITWM) in Kaiserslautern from 2004-2016. Since 2011 he additionally holds the positions of one of the directors of the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) and of the Research Center for Computer Science (FZI). From 2006-2015 he was editor-in-chief of Computers & Operations Research. Moreover, he is editor-in-chief of Operations Research for Health Care. He has coordinated the Health Care working group within the German OR society (GOR) and has been the president of GOR from 2013-2014. Since 2019 Stefan Nickel serves as VP IFORS in the EURO executive committee and is member of the AC of IFORS.

Stefan Nickel has authored or co-authored 5 books as well as more than 100 scientific articles in his research areas Locational Analysis, Supply Chain Management, Health Care Logistics, and Online Optimization. He has been awarded the EURO prize for the best EJOR review paper (2012) and the Elsevier prize for the EJOR top cited article 2007-2011. In addition, he conducted several industry projects with well-known companies such as BASF, Lufthansa, Miele, or SAP.


Webpage: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT

Title of the talk: Health Care Logistics

Antonio Pita Lozano. LUCA, Telefonica Data Unit, Spain.

Global Head of Consulting & Analytics en LUCA, Telefonica Data Unit

Antonio Pita holds a degree in Mathematics and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Algebra from the University of Murcia. He also holds a MSc in Business Management and a Masters in Visual Analytics and Big Data. He has held various management positions in Cajamar and Liberbank and the consultancy firms Everis and Synergic Partners, in which he has carried out projects for large companies such as BBVA, Repsol, Naturgy, Mapfre, Vodafone.

He is currently Global Chair of Consulting & Analytics in Luca, the data unit of Telefonica. He also amounts over 20 years of teaching experience in several business schools and universities, such as IE (Instituto de Empresa), EOI, UOC, UNIR, USAL, UAH.

Best Spanish Data Scientist in the Data Science Awards 2016 (Sigefilm project).


Webpage: LUCA