OFERTA DE EMPLEO: 2 Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher Position at IIM-CSIC

Two Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher Position at IIM-CSIC (Spanisch Council for Scientific Research) Vigo, Spain.
Topic: Optimization in Computational Systems Biology
Job Description: Applications are invited for two Early Stage Researcher Positions in computational systems biology under the supervision of Prof. Julio R. Banga, IIM-CSIC (Spain), starting in early 2016.
Position ESR6: novel optimization methods for systematic development of dynamic models of biological systems.
Position ESR7: optimal control methods to explain and predict operating principles in biochemical pathways.
Duration: 36 months. These Early Stage Reseachers (ESRs) will be hired for 36 months each and will be expected to pursue a PhD. Candidates must be in possession of a relevant Masters degree (or very close to obtaining it) at the time of appointment.
Salary: Salary will be excellent, in the range of 33-36 k€ gross/year, according to EU regulations (Marie Curie ITN Early Stage Researcher conditions).
Other benefits: the ESRs will be involved in a Marie-Curie network with excellent opportunities for scientific and personal development, including funding for short stays at top-class research groups in Germany and the UK, plus regular training events and meetings across Europe.
Further information (including HOW TO APPLY): click here