Summary and media impact from 163 European Study Group with Industry

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From 12th to 16th July, 2021, 163 ESGI European Study Group with Industry was held thanks to the collaboration between the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in) and the Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI).

Initiated in Oxford in 1968, the Study Groups with Industry bring together industrial scientists and academic mathematicians to work on problems affecting the industry. These Study Groups represent an internationally recognized method for technology and knowledge transfer between academic institutions and industry.

The opening ceremony as attended by the director of the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) Patricia Argerey, the President of ITMATI and Vice-rector for scientific policy, research and transfer (UDC) Salvador Naya, the president of math-in and professor of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of Seville, Emilio Carrizosa, and Dolores Gómez, representative of the scientific and organizing committee and affiliated researcher of ITMATI and associate professor at University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

One of the industrial problems to be offer a solution through the application of mathematical tools is one proposed by the multinational energy company Repsol, through its Technology Lab Repsol technology center, located in Madrid with 250 professionals. (Problem 1)

Another challenge addressed in the forum was the one presented by the company BSH Electrical Appliances Spain, owned by the Bosch Group. It is a reference company in the national market, with five manufacturing plants and more than 4.300 employees, European leader in the manufacture of white range appliances with its brands Bosch, Balay, Siemens. Its problem is linked to the analyses of temperature measurements for smart cooking (Problem 2)


Opening ceremony 163 ESGI

Problem 2 presentation: "Formation of bubbles froma a chemical reaction".

Problem 2 presentation: "Analysis of temperature measurement for smart cooking".

Closing ceremony 163 ESGI



163 ESGI is also co-funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities-State Research Agency, through the Thematic Network RTmath-in (RED2018-102514-T) and the Strategic Network of Mathematics (RED2018-102350-E), both granted within the call “Networks of Excellence” 2018. It is also co-funded by ROMSOC project, financed by the EU within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765374.


Mar, 2021-07-20