SisAl Pilot Newsletter #1, October 2020.

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The SisAl Pilot project started on the 1st May 2020 and is being implemented by a first-class international consortium led by the Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). The SisAl Pilot project brings together raw material provider (Explotacion de Rocas Industriales y Minerales – Erimsa), silicon and aluminium key actors (Wacker Chemicals Norway, Elkem, DOW Silicones Corporation, Silicor Materials Iceland ehf., SiQAl, Hydro Aluminium AS, FUNDICIONES REY, Befesa Aluminio SLU, MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A), SME´s/consultants/ equipment manufacturers (BNW-Energy AS, SIMTEC, CiaoTech Srl, Innovation Engineering srl and Silbucam S.L.) and research organisations (NTNU, RWTH Aachen University (RWTH), National technical university of Athens – (NTUA), Consorcio Instituto Tecnolóxico de Matemática Industrial (ITMATI), SINTEF Industry, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR), MINTEK) to demonstrate the SisAl process with different raw materials and product outputs in 4 different countries. These pilots will be accompanied by environmental, economic and technological benchmarking, and industrial business cases will be assessed for locations in Norway, Iceland, Germany, Spain and Greece.



Jue, 2020-10-29