SisAl Pilot project started on the 1st May 2020 and is being implemented by a first-class international consortium led by the Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU). The SisAl Pilot project brings together raw material provider (Explotacion de Rocas Industriales y Minerales – Erimsa), silicon and aluminium key actors (Wacker Chemicals Norway, Elkem, DOW Silicones Corporation, Silicor Materials Iceland ehf., SiQAl, Hydro Aluminium AS, FUNDICIONES REY, Befesa Aluminio SLU, MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS S.A), SME´s/consultants/ equipment manufacturers (BNW-Energy AS, SIMTEC, CiaoTech Srl, Innovation Engineering srl and Silbucam S.L.) and research organisations (NTNU, RWTH Aachen University (RWTH), National technical university of Athens – (NTUA), Consorcio Instituto Tecnolóxico de Matemática Industrial (ITMATI), SINTEF Industry, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR), MINTEK) to demonstrate the SisAl process with different raw materials and product outputs in 4 different countries. These pilots will be accompanied by environmental, economic and technological benchmarking, and industrial business cases will be assessed for locations in Norway, Iceland, Germany, Spain and Greece.
LINK: https://www.sisal-pilot.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/SisalPilot-Newsletter_n.1.pdf