ITMATI is attending the ICT, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing event in Dublin.

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Raluca Tomoni, Technology Transfer & Innovation Manager in ITMATI, has attended the ICT, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing event that takes place in Dublin, Ireland at 4th July, 2019.

R&D Institutions, leading industrial companies, Public institutions and Universities throughout Europe meet today in Dublin to discuss the H2020 Updates and 2020 work programmes topics under NMPB and ICT.

Organized by the Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with Enterprise Ireland and the Spanish, Portuguese, British and N. Ireland National Contract Points (NCPs), the event will introduce the calls for proposals, present insights and expectations from the European Commission whilst offering a unique international networking experience to forge the winning partnerships of the future.

ITMATI will have the opportunity to get the latest information from the European Commission about Horizon 2020 and the forthcoming calls for proposals for H2020 – topics coming up in 2020 and to meet with future project partners from across industry and research.

For more information, please click here:

Sáb, 2019-07-06