From 19th to 23st September 122ESGI (European Study Group with Industry) will take place in Santiago de Compostela

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From 19th to 23th September, 2016, it will take place in Santiago de Compostela the 122 European Study Group with Industry, thanks to the collaboration between the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in) and the Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI).

itmati, math-in, ESGI, 122ESGI, European Study Group with IndustryInitiated in Oxford in 1968, Study Groups with Industry provide a forum for industrial scientists to work alongside academic mathematicians on problems of direct industrial relevance. They are an internationally recognized method of technology and knowledge transfer between academic mathematicians and industry.

The success of the ESGI are the unique format which has been copied around the world, in which mathematics community work on reduced groups to study problems, presented by industry. These problems are presented from any economic sector thanks to the Mathematics' transversally. The objective is to present ESGI capabilities of Mathematics and its applicability in a large part of the challenges and needs of the industrial, bringing small, medium and large companies a technology with great potential, with highly qualified researchers and that does not require large investments to use.

ESGI, ITMATI, european study group with Industry


  • found solutions and insights into existing industrial problems;
  • established lasting and productive working links between research applied mathematicians and industry;
  • propose new lines of research based on business challenges;
  • reinforce the importance of mathematics in industry and mathematical profiles companies; and
  • stimulated greater awareness in the wider community of the power of mathematics in providing solution paths to real-world problems.



Registration is free. You can confirm your registration in the registration form that you can find on the following link: Registration 122 ESGI (deadline: September, 15)


Further information:  122 ESGI

Organize: Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in) and  Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI). Co-organize COST Action Mathematics for Industry Network (MI-NET).

122 esgi
COST Action TD1409, Mathematics for Industry Network (MI-NET) co-organized and co-finances this event. The ESGI is co-funded by the Thematic Network RTmath-in, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the dynamic actions "Networks of Excellence" at 2014 call and it is also funded by a project of the Norwegian government.



Lun, 2016-06-27