In the framework of ECMI 2016, ITMATI organizes and present on 13th June, and 16th June, the minisimposium “Soluciones efectivas para la industria usando Tecnología Matemática”.

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On 13th June, 2016, starts the 19th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI2016). It will take place from 13th  to 17th June 2016 in Santiago de Compostela and will feature the participation of ITMATI. Held every two years, the ECMI aims to present the most significant advances in applied mathematics to industry.
In the framework of ECMI 2016, ITMATI organizes and present on 13th June, and 16th June, the minisimposium “Soluciones efectivas para la industria usando Tecnología Matemática”.

Conferences organized by ITMATI address practical cases of successful collaborations in the relationship between business and academia presenting the results of joint actions ITMATI been carried out with companies like FerroAtlántica, Repsol, Teknova, INOVA and INAER. It is actions that focused their efforts on development aimed at achieving significant competitive advantages solutions.
These sessions also will delve into issues related to the application of mathematical solutions in other fields such as the maritime industry or emergency services.

Revista Gciencia (10/06/2016)
ECMI 2016 is organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics of the USC and Spanish Network for Mathematics and Industry (math-in) and will involve more than 350 researchers / as nearly 40 countries worldwide. The various presentations will take place in the faculties of Mathematics and Biology Campus Life University of Santiago de Compostela.


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Lun, 2016-06-13