Creation of ITMATI: The three Galician Universities found the Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI)

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After more than one year of work, in the last february 2013 the three universities of Galicia in Spain, took one more step and the Rectors of the University of the Coruña, the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo signed the agreement of collaboration for the constitution of the Consortium Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI).

The Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI) was founded with the aim of becoming a worldwide reference center of technological research in the field of industrial mathematics.

On the occasion of the creation of ITMATI, the following press release was send to ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics and Industry) and to EMS (European Mathematical Societey) on July 11, 2013.

Press release (click here)

Jue, 2013-07-11