From June 29th June to 2nd July it will take place in Galicia the 110A European Study Group with Industry

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From June, 29 to July, 2 it will take place in Galicia the 110A European Study Group with Industry, thanks to the collaboration between the Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI) and the Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry (math-in).

The success of the ESGI are the unique format which has been copied around the world, in which mathematics community work on reduced groups to study problems, presented by industry. These problems are presented from any economic sector thanks to the Mathematics' transversality.

The objective is to present ESGI capabilities of Mathematics and its applicability in a large part of the challenges and needs of the industrial, bringing small, medium and large companies a technology with great potential, with highly qualified researchers and that does not require large investments to use.

The registration is free. You can confirm your registration in the registration form that you can find on the following link  110AESGI (deadline: June, 25)

itmati, math in, esgi, 110a esgi, european study group with industryFrom ITMATI and math-in we encourage you to participate in this new edition of internationally renowned ESGI, to join the working groups and thus contribute to the awareness of enterprises to use the techniques and mathematical tools to improve processes.


Further information: 110A ESGI

It is also funded by the Thematic Network RTmath-in, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance within the dynamic actions "Networks of Excellence" at 2014 call and by the Industrial Mathematics Technology Network (Red TMATI), granted by the Department of Culture, Education and University of the Xunta de Galicia.

This 110A ESGI is framed as activity in the Joint Research Unit Repsol-ITMATI which has funding of the Galician Agency for Innovation and the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the framework of the Spanish Strategy Innovation in Galicia.
This project is co-fundend by ERDF and Xunta de Galicia in the framework of the reference help GRC2013-014.


Lun, 2015-05-11