The Workshop on Security, Defense and Mathematical and Computational Technology aims to bring mathematical and computational technologies closer to the field of security and defence. This workshop will involve presentations and panel discussions about "Supply and demand of mathematical and computational technology in the field of security and defence" as well as the "foresight and technology trends and developments in mathematics. Training and collaboration as key for the present and the future. "
This workshop is organized in collaboration with CESEDEN, CITIC, ITMATI, UDC and the Instituto Matemático Interdisciplinar (IMI) of UCM. The National Cryptologic Centre (CCN), Fundación CESGA o la Directorate-General of Armament and Equipment (DGAM) del Ministerio de Defensa.
Tuesday, 19 November
10:30 Workshop opening
Ricardo Cao Abad, Vice-rector of Research and Transference,UDC.
José Abad Vilas, Chief of Defence in A Coruña.
Carlos Vázquez, CITIC, ITMATI, Professor of Applied Mathematics, UDC (Organising Committee).
11:00-11:45 New transfer tools: Math-in network and ITMATI.
Peregrina Quintela, President of Math-in and Director of ITMATI, USC
11:45-12:30 "Numerical Simulation of Lubricating Bearings in Machines Propulsion and Ship Manoeuvring".
José Durany Castrillo, ITMATI. Professor of Applied Mathematics, UVIGO
Coffee break
12:50-13:35 "CITIC: Research Centre for Information Technology and Communications. Projects on knowledge transfer and recovery technologies."
Bertha Guijarro, Director of the CITIC, UDC
16:00- 16:45 “Data fusion in a tactical environment. "
José Miguel Castillo, CEO of SOFTCAST CONSULTING
17:00 Roundtable: Supply and demand of mathematical and computational technology in the field of security and defence.
José Miguel Castillo, CEO of SOFTCAST CONSULTING.
Luis Castedo, CITIC, Professor of Signal Theory and Communications, UDC.
Javier García Tobío, Director of the Fundación CESGA.
Peregrina Quintela, ITMATI, Math-In, Professor of Applied Mathematics, USC,
Moderator: Carlos Vázquez, CITIC, ITMATI, Professor of Applied Mathematics, UDC
Wednesday, 20 November
09:30-10:15 “Mathematics in the exploration of Mars".
Luis Vázquez, Professor of Applied Mathematics, member of the IMI, UCM.
10:15-11:00 "University Centre for Defence Studies. Research node within the field of defence and security.
Javier Martínez Torres. Lecturer and Coordinator of the Research and Development of the CUD Zaragoza Office.
11:00-11:45 “Using mathematical cryptography and steganography "
José Ruiz, Senior Certifier in the Area of Products and Technologies at the STIC National Cryptologic Centre.
Coffee break
12:15-13:00 "The appearance of Big Data"
Guillermo González. Técnico del Sistema de Observación y Prospectiva Tecnológica, DGAM.
13:00-13:45 "Simplified solutions of fluid dynamic problems in the industry"
Manuel Rodríguez Fernández, SENER, Professor of Fluid Mechanics, UPM.
15:45-16:30 "Smart materials". Prospective applications and uses in security and defence".
Luis Miguel Requejo, Técnico del Sistema de Observación y Prospectiva Tecnológica, DGAM.
16:30 Roundtable: Foresight and technology trends and mathematics. Training and collaboration as keys for the present and future.
Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro, ITMATI, Professor of Applied Mathematics, USC.
Manuel Rodríguez Fernández, SENER, Professor of Fluid Mechanics, UPM.
José Ruiz, Certificador Senior del Área de Productos y Tecnologías STIC del Centro Criptológico Nacional.
José María Riola, Capitán de Fragata, Jefe de la Unidad de Observatorios Tecnológicos de DGAM.
Moderator: Federico Aznar, Doctor Analista Principal del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, CESEDEN, Capitán de Fragata.
Federico Aznar, Doctor Analista Principal del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos, CESEDEN, Capitán de Fragata.
Carlos Vázquez, CITIC, ITMATI, Professor of Applied Mathematics, UDC
Adriana Castro Novo. Gestora de Transferencia de Tecnología e Innovación ITMATI.
Jesús M. Díaz. Oficina de Promoción Tecnológica CITIC
Rubén Gayoso Taboada. Gerente de ITMATI.
Carlos Vázquez, CITIC, ITMATI, Catedrático Matemática Aplicada, UDC
Please fill in the Research Form attached
Registration is free. Deadline for registration is 18 de november.
WORHOP PROGRAM (please download it here)
ORGANISERS: CESEDEN, CITIC, ITMATI, M2NICA reseach group and the UDC (with the collaboration of the Instituto Matemático Interdisciplinar (IMI) of UCM).

Location and dates: Aula de Grados of the Faculty of Law at the UDC, A Coruña, 19-20 November.
Accommodations: Hotel Riazor
Double room for single use with seaview (bed and breakfast): 54€ por per room, per night (VAT included)
Double room with seaview (bed and breakfast): 63€ per room, per night (VAT included)
In order to book it please send an email to Subject of the e-mail: booking for ITMATI event at University of A Coruña.
for those attending the workshop the price agreement with the UDC remains).
Jesús M. Díaz:
Adriana Castro Novo:
Rubén Gayoso Taboada: