The Industrial Problems Workshop (TPI) is an offering from applied mathematics groups from the three Galician universities integrated with the CESGA Node, within the recently completed Consolider Ingenio Math project. These groups are part of the Spanish Network for Industrial Mathematics, the math-in network, and are consolidating their efforts in technology transfer to industry and the productive sector through the Technological Institute of Industrial Mathematics, ITMATI. The workshop arose from the need to form a highly specialized workspace to generate innovative solutions for business and industrial problems in any sector, whether public, private or social. The workshop is funded by the
Spanish Science and Technology Foundation - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FECYT) under the framework of the Mathematics as an innovative element of innovation in industry project.

La misión del taller de Problemas Industriales es estimular la relación entre la matemática y la industria, acercando necesidades industriales reales a los expertos en tecnología matemática participantes, y promoviendo y facilitando la interacción entre el mundo científico e industrial.
What is the aim of the WIP?
The workshop is based on the following:
Dissemination of the ability of mathematical technology and of the experience of research
groups and technology centres.
The search for solutions on the part of experts in mathematical technology for innovation in business.
The renewal of the research areas, updating them to meet the needs of businesses.
Following this goal, the workshop seeks to form working groups where industry professionals and researchers in the areas of applied mathematics model and analyse the problems presented by entrepreneurs in various industrial sectors. In this way a list of problems of industrial or scientific interest to be tackled by experts in mathematical engineering and interested attendees is created. The success of the workshop is that the participating companies, researchers and students experiment jointly, solving the problem in an accessible manner. Furthermore, the participation of different agents on the one hand promotes the involvement of companies with youngest through practical work experience, and also informs mid-level teachers of the real and current applications to be passed on to students and schools that contribute to lifelong learning.
What accreditation does the WIP have?
Agreements with some masters in the field of industrial mathematics will be established to assist young people to incorporate their participation in their CV. This activity is recognized in the Masters in Mathematical Engineering organized by the three Galician universities:
What is the working dynamic of the WIP?
The workshop is divided into ten sessions. In the first eight, companies pose problems that are relevant to improving their production processes or creating new innovations. Then there is a period in which the mathematical experts and participants who wish to may work on solutions to these problems posed, using the most appropriate mathematical methods for each case. In the last two sessions some written conclusions are presented. In this way participants gain experience working directly with companies, providing valuable insight into their future career, and an innovative point of view applicable to their daily work.
What mathematical solutions are used to address the presented problems?
The solutions are based on the development of numerical methods and their use in simulation technologies for the design and control of industrial products and processes. In industry, tools such as CAD (computer aided design) and CAE (computer aided engineering) can reduce the cost of prototyping, laboratory experimentation, and offer a considerable reduction in the time to market of new products. This workshop will implement these mathematical techniques and look to investigate new applications.
Who is the intended audience for the WIP?
The TPI workshop seeks to spread a culture of innovation through the use of mathematical technology in industry, so it is directed at a very wide audience, among which we highlight:
Professionals from various industrial fields (company experts).
Secondary education professionals.
University professionals (students and research scientists.
COMPANIES that have so far participated in the TPI
What is the working dynamic and schedule of the WIP?
The workshop is divided into ten sessions. In the first eight, companies pose problems that are relevant to improving their production processes or creating new innovations. Then there is a period in which the mathematical experts and participants who wish to may work on solutions to these problems posed, using the most appropriate mathematical methods for each case. In the last two sessions some written conclusions are presented. In this way participants gain experience working directly with companies, providing valuable insight into their future career, and an innovative point of view applicable to their daily work.

Workshop team
The team for these industrial workshops is led by:
Scientific Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Participant information and registration: Math-in network