In Spain the Comité Español de Matemáticas,
CEMat, is promoting the initiative
Mathematics against coronavirus. Its aim is to make the analysis and modelling skills of the Spanish mathematical community more readily available to the administration and to the society in general, in order to get a better understanding of the actual COVID-19 crisis.
This action includes:
Collecting links and contributions of the Spanish mathematical community about the virus spread, and make them public on the initiative’s website: http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/en/links-and-contributions/.
Promoting the interaction between different research groups to create new synergies between them.
Establishing an Expert Committee to review the contributions and, eventually, report conclusions and recommendations to the administration.
Collecting relevant data sets to make them available to the researchers. They can be found on http://matematicas.uclm.es/cemat/covid19/en/data/.
In order to build a meta-predictor to provide a short term behaviour of the virus to the authorities, a call for researchers has been made. To this end, the authors’ collaboration will be used to build a meta-predictor or “cooperative predictor”, based on optimized predictions of different methods desegregated by regions.
Further information: https://ecmiindmath.org/2020/04/03/coronavirus-spain/