SIMPSEG: SIMulation of Powder SEGregation in cored-wire manufacturing.

To enhance productivity and economic profits and reduce the generation of material waste, SIMPSEG project “HPC Simulation of Metal Powder Segregation in the manufacturing of cored wire" proposes to use DEM models (implemented in open-source code) to predict segregations of metal particles during the initial production stages of cored wire. CEDIE manufacturing company (a first-time user of HPC), in collaboration with CITMAga and GOMPUTE will undertake the implementation, validation and execution of an accurate numerical tool, aimed to enhance CEDIE’s productivity and final product quality.

SIMPSEG will use HPC DEM simulation to predict segregation during the production of a cored wire (filled with a mixture of metal powders), commonly used as additional material in steel and foundry industries. First, the powder flow in simplified configurations (prototypes) will be studied both experimentally and numerically in order to calibrate the material parameters involved in the numerical model. Validation will be done by comparison, with their numerical counterpart, of the experimental granular flow and the resulting averaged concentration distribution in different sections of the prototypes. Then, the simulation of the industrial filling process will be carried out and its results compared with measurements obtained during production.

The project has the participation of the researcher affiliated to CITMAga Prof. Dra. Dr. Elena Martín Ortega, from the University of Vigo, who will be the Coordinator of Experiment 1120 "HPC Simulation of Metal Powder Segregation in the manufacturing of cored wire". The experiment is part of the European project FF4EuroHPC, which facilitates the access of SMEs to all kinds of technologies related to high performance computing.
Area: INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

Call: H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-2 - Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs

Funding: The experiment “1120 - HPC Simulation of Metal Powder Segregation in the manufacturing of cored wire (SIMPSEG)” has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) through the FF4EuroHPC project under grant agreement No 951745. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Italy, Slovenia, France, Spain.

Start date: 01/03/2022.


FF4EuroHPC website

Experiment 1120 - SIMPSEG


