OTEAres Project: Improvement of the remote expert system based on software OTEA.

 “Improvement of the remote expert system based on software OTEA” (OTEAres Project). Accepted: 24/02/2017. The OTEAres project is framed within the projects of information and communication technologies applied to the industry 4.0, with a clear focus of improvement in energy efficiency and maintenance of production systems and equipment. EcoMT and ITMATI (the latter, jointly with its Third Party Universidade de Vigo), with the collaboration of Gompute and the support of CESGA, undertake the development of a system that, through the platform of remote management of facilities OTEA, is able to predict maintenance incidents through the interpretation of the data monitored, and can apply rules that improve the efficiency of the system and extend the life of the equipment. The objective is to multiply the value of the OTEA system by maximizing the efficiency of the facilities and minimizing the basic management resources.

The main objective of OTEAres experiment is to deploy a predictive tool which enables to detect maintenance incidents before they happen, based on historical real time data monitored by means of the platform of remote management of facilities OTEA. The implemented tool will apply mathematical and statistical algorithms in order to get a reliable predictive maintenance, improving the efficiency of the current system, extending the equipment life cycle and allowing a smarter management of resources.

In addition, an increment of the OTEA platform value is expected given that it will be offered a more complete service to the clients whereas the maintenance cost will be reduced.

The Fortissimo 2 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 680481.

Further información: https://www.fortissimo-project.eu/experiments/904