On Monday 22 July the final conclusions of the Workshop on Industrial Problems will be make known ending the work carried out during the past 9 months. This presentation discloses solutions from the different issues raised by the companies in this edition of the Workshop on Industrial Problems. This way we conclude with a number of problems in science and industry interests that have been treated by experts in mathematical technology, in collaboration with companies, institutions and research centres, to strengthen the professional side of all these mathematical models in the production system.
The complete program can be found in the following link.
The session will be streamed by Adobe Connect on Monday, 22nd July From10:00AM to 8PM

The solutions presented within the workshop develop mathematical models, numerical methods and simulation technologies for each case. In industry, these CAD tools (computer aided design) and CAE (computer aided engineering) can reduce the cost of prototyping, laboratory experimentation, and also allow a considerable reduction in the time to market new products.
The problems raised and now solved range from risk assessment of financial products and portfolio risk calculation, to resolutions of equations of motion, orbit prediction in satellite navigation, calculations of natural vibration modes, to mathematical modelling of the formation of biofilms, numerical studies of the effects of industrial scaling and numerical simulation and experimental validation in engineering.
Many companies such as: Vicus Technological Development, Endesa, Abengoa, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Aragon Institute of Technology , CIDAUT, Magallanes Renovables, Institute of Marine Research (IIM), GMV, Ikerlan S. Coop, ITAV, Inergy Automotive Systems, CTAG and Repsol, have participated in this edition and have posed problems to be solved over the past 9 months.
This event was funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FECYT), under the project "Mathematics as an Innovative Element for Innovation in Industry. ITMATI collaborated in its organisation.