Aim of the project: encourage public-private partnerships through research and development projects in the most demanded Galician sectors.
The projects will address any strategic Galician area (food, technology, energy, environment, etc.).
Second call "CONECTA PYMES" January 2014
Budget: 600.000 euros.
Deadline for the project: 15th June 2015.
Recipients: association of 3-6 SMEs involved to the development of the R&D project and a Research Entity.
Research entity participation: (15-25%) of the total project budget.
Call budget: 8 million-euros.
Funding: Grant. The funding will take the form of grants, and the maximum grant that can be awarded to a project is established according to the current limits foreseen:
Industrial research in cooperation between firms: Small business (80%) Medium enterprise (75 %)
Experimental development in cooperation between firms: Small business (60%) Medium enterprise(50 %)
Deadline: 14th February of 2014.