On October 13, from 15:00 to 18:00 hours, 7 problems of the
Joint Research Unit Repsol-ITMATI were presented in the
IPW (Industrial Problems Workshop) in the framework of the Joint
Master in Industrial Mathematics (M2i).
The presentation began with a brief presentation of ITMATI and of the J
oint Research Unit (JRU) Repsol-ITMATI, by the Manager of ITMATI, Rubén Gayoso Taboada.
Then, 7 problems in the framework of the JRU were presented:
To the research line 2 of the JRU, 4 problems were presented, two handed by the affiliated researcher of ITMATI and coordinator of this research line, Jerónimo Rodríguez, and two handed by the technologist of Repsol, Francisco Calo and David Aller.
To the research line 3 of the JRU, 2 problems were presented, handed by the affiliated researcher of ITMATI and coordinator of this research line, José Luis Ferrín.
To the research line 4, 1 problem was presented, handed by the hired researcher of ITMATI in the framework of the JRU, Diego Rodríguez Martínez.