The BCAM –Basque Center for Applied Mathematics convenes a job offer in the field of computational fluid mechanics.
Position: Industrial Research Project Developer in Applied CFD.
Aim of the contract: The research to be conducted is aimed to provide quantitative results and solutions to a problem formulated by the Water Consortium of Bilbao-Bizkaia, employing CFD software. The objective is to simulate the cleaning of a rain overflow tank by means of water injection. The selected candidate will be integrated into the research line of Partial Differential Equations, Control and Numeric, under the supervision of Enrique Zuazua.
Submission of Applications: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic-2015-industrial-research-project-developer-fellow
Duration: 6 months
Deadline: September 15, 2015 (14:00 h CET).
Further information: click here