It is a highly efficient and pioneering system used worldwide and which solves different types of energy demands.
This project runs for three years and has a budget of 1.8 M € of which 900.000 euros are funded by the EU through the FEDER Innterconecta program. The main aim of this project is to reduce emissions from ships docked in harbours. The Vigo Port Authority has been working for more than a year in an innovative system designed entirely in Galicia. The project, called Green Port Energy Center (GPEC), is led by Internaco and consists of five companies (Key Plan, Vicus DT, Inabensa Emenasa and Inova) as well as three research organizations, such as Campus del Mar and the Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI) and Apet.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: ABC / Revista Puertos y Navieras / Atlántico.net / Faro de Vigo