PROJECT: Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support System - PreCoM.
DESCRIPTION OF JOB POSITION: 1 full-time contract as
researcher for a
research project, in the framework of the
PreCoM project, covered by the call
H2020-FOF-2017 on the topic
FOF-09-2017 - Novel design and predictive maintenance technologies for increased operating life of production systems (
The PreCoM project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768575”.
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Dr Jacobo de Uña Álvarez, Professor of Statistics and Operations Research of the Universidade de Vigo and affiliated researcher of ITMATI, and Dr Manuel Febrero Bande, Professor of Statistics and Operations Research of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and affiliated researcher of ITMATI.
CANDIDATES PROFILE: Graduates, masters and doctors in mathematics, statistics or other related fields, with advanced knowledge in statistical methodology, specifically on the project topics: time series and reliability analysis.
Training and general experience to be assessed (40 points, all contributions must be documented).
Academic transcript of degree, master and/or doctorate. Affinity of the candidates' degrees with statistics field will be valued.
Scientific papers published in journals belonging to statistical field.
Previous experience in analysis and programming of statistical and/or mathematical algorithms.
Advanced knowledge and previous experience in the use of programming languages, especially in R.
Advanced English proficiency.
Knowledge, and additional and specific experience to be assessed (30 points, all contributions must be documented).
Knowledge and previous experience in statistical computing, related to time series and reliability analysis.
Knowledge and previous experience in methodology and applications for systems reliability analysis.
Previous experience in European Projects.
Personal interview (30 points).
Candidates achieving the best assessments according to the above criteria will be called to a personal interview and a test related to the functions of the position. In this third phase, the letters of recommendation that arrive for the candidate will be taken into account; only three letters of recommendation per candidate will be accepted, which must be sent directly by the person issuing the report and not the candidate himself. At least the three best rated candidates will be interviewed and between the two previous sections have reached at least 35 points.
To be admitted the applicants, in addition to fulfilling the specific requirements demanded in the activity or project for which they make their request indicated in the previous point, they must have on the day of completion of submission of applications and keep them until the expected date of completion of the contract, the following general requirements:
Be Spanish or national of any of the other Member States of the European Union or national of any state to which, by virtue of international treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies.
The spouse of Spaniards and nationals of one of the other Member States of the European Union may also participate, whatever their nationality, and when the corresponding treaty so provides, or of nationals of a state to which By virtue of the international treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of workers applies to them, provided they are not legally separated. Likewise, with the same conditions, their descendants and those of their spouse, under the age of twenty-one or older than that who live in their charge, may participate.
Likewise, nationals of countries that are not members of the European Union or that are not included in the scope of international treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain in which the free movement of workers is applicable may participate. However, the formalization of the employment contract with these nationals is conditioned to the applicants having granted the exception or work permit and legal residence in Spain.
Be at least 16 years old.
Being in possession of the valid degree in Spain that is indicated according to Spanish legislation.
Not suffer any disease or be affected by physical or mental limitation that is incompatible with the performance of the corresponding functions.
Not to be separated, by means of a disciplinary file from the service of any of the public administrations, nor to be disabled for the performance of public functions.
Gross monthly salary: 1.846,20 € in 12 payments.
Planned start date: November 2020, subject to the granting of funds to carry out the project.
Duration and estimated date end of planned work: February 28th 2021, whenever the project availability allows.
Full time position.
WORKPLACE: ITMATI (Technological Institute for Industrial Mathematics), Campus Vida, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
People interested in this contract must send their applications
by October 16, 2020 at 23:59h Madrid local time. Application should include a cover letter summarizing the applicant´s career (general training and experience to be assessed, as well as additional merits referred to in the call), a curriculum (with mobile phone and email), and the academic tittle and transcript of degree, master and/or doctorate; and the
“work life” (which proves the professional merits that appear in the curriculum vitae). Letters of recommendation will only be accepted if they are sent directly by the person reporting (and not the candidate). All documentation must be sent to the following email address:
itmati@itmati.com indicating the job vacancy reference ITMATI-OT-12-2020. The receipt of requests will be confirmed by email. Candidates who are invited to the interview phase must provide original documentation of the merits provided.