INTERNSHIP in a research project in collaboration between the Statistics and Operations Research area of the Department of Mathematics of the UDC (ITMATI collaborator) and Ferroatlántica. Project managed by Foundation of the University of A Coruña.
Company name: Foundation of the University of A Coruña and FERROATLANTICA R&D.
Address: Polígono Industrial de Sabón, 15142, Arteixo.
Job offer: Internship (salary: 1000€/month; time period: 6 months).
Applicants: Graduates in Mathematics, Computer Science or similar.
Job requirements: Programming skills in R, Master in Statistical Techniques and occasional commuting to the company.
Deadline: 21st July 2014.
For more information please contact: Rubén Fernández Casal (Departamento of Mathematics), ruben.fcasal@udc.es