On M
onday November 30, 2015 an
"Informative Breakfast" to mark the
first anniversary and opening of new spaces in the framework of the Joint Research Unit Repsol-ITMATI will be held. The event will be held in the
Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In the day it will make a brief presentation of the project Joint Research Unit Repsol-ITMATI, and of the achieve of their objectives

Informative Breakfast with press: Opening Panel where it will be representing the Economics, Industry and Employment Conselleiro, Francisco José Conde Lopez, the Director of the Galician Innovation Agency, D. Manuel Varela Rey, the Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Juan Viaño Rey, the President of ITMATI, Ms. Isabel Rodriguez Moldes-Rey, the Scientific-Technical Director of the project, D. Alfredo Bermudez de Castro López-Varela and the responsible of the project by Repsol, Jesus Garcia San Luis, Director of Scientific Relations and advanced Computing, CTR Repsol.
Pause and farewell release.
Technical presentation of the project to guests.
Closing ceremony.
Tour and presentation of new facilities of the Joint Unit Research Repsol-ITMATI.
Agape (Xuntas Room of the Faculty of Mathematics of the USC)
You can see the detailed program here: Program

Date and place: Monday 30 November, 2015, Graduate Hall, Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Opening panel: Intended for Monday 30 November 2015, from 9:15 h to 9:45h in the Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Mathematica of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Agape: Sala de Xuntas, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Santiago de Compostela.
PRESS RELEASE: click here
The new spaces of the Joint Research Unit are located in Pavillon de Servizos s / n, R / José María Suárez Núñez, Campus Vida, Santiago de Compostela.
All information relating to the Joint Unit Research Repsol-ITMATI can follow the link below: Joint Research Unit.
This Informative Breakfast is framed as an activity under the JRU and has funding of the Galician Innovation Agency and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Spanish Innovation Strategy in Galicia.