From 5 to 7 April 2022, the FF4EuroHPC - Open Call 2 Experiment Kick-off Workshop took place online. The SIMPSEG experiment presented its challenges to the other participants. During the first workshop, the experience of previous experiments was capitalised as recommendations to the participants of the new Open Call 2 (OC2) experiments.
The workshop was coordinated by CESGA, leader of OC2, that established the general guidelines and objectives to be jointly achieved in the coming months. In this sense, Prof. Elena Martin Ortega presented the next steps to follow and the expected impact of the experiment. SIMPSEG is an experiment on the simulation of dust segregation in the manufacture of cored wire produced by the Galician SME CEDIE. The challenge is undertaken jointly with GOMPUTE who will provide access to the HPC (High Performance Computing) required for this kind of simulations.
Prof. Elena Martin Ortega presenting the SIMPSEG experiment, during the Workshop.