On the occasion of the first anniversary of the
Joint Research Unit Repsol-ITMATI, on October 14, an
Anniversary Project Launch Meeting will take place in the Sala de Xuntas of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Santiago de Compostela. It will be a working day where members of the Repsol Technology Centre and researchers of the JRU will take part. In this meeting a general overview of the JRU will be presented and the results and achievement of the objectives in relation to the four research lines of the JRU will be discussed.
Joint Research Unit (JRU) formed by Repsol and the Technological Institute of Industrial Mathematics (ITMATI) is one of the 7 Joint Research Units approved in the call “convocatoria
“Unidades Mixtas de Investigación: resolución de 6 de octubre de 2014 por la que se adjudican las ayudas a organismos de investigación de Galicia para la creación, puesta en marcha e impulso de unidades mixtas de investigación” funded by the Agency and the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness under the Spanish Innovation Strategy in Galicia for the creation, implementation and promotion of joint research units.
To meet the needs framed within the
Joint Research Unit Repsol-ITMATI, ITMATI has rented to the University of Santiago de Compostela new spaces, located in P
avillon de Servizos, R / Jose Maria Suarez Nunez, s / n. Campus Vida in Santiago de Compostela.
09:00 h: Overview of the JRU (results and achieving of objectives up to now) Repsol/ITMATI representatives intervention.
09:30 h: Research line 1: Optimization in processing plant under uncertainty
11:00 h: Coffee break.
11:30 h: Research line 2: Design optimization and load energy storage systems
13:00 h: Research line 3: Optimization and inverse problmes in reaction and image systems.
14:30 h: Working lunch
16:30 h: Research line 4: Optimization of unconventional hardware
18:00 h: General discussion and conclusions. Future planning.
19:00h: End of the meeting
Jesús García San Luis, Director of Scientific Relations and Advanced Computing, CTR Repsol.
José Francisco Rodríguez Calo, Scientific Relations and Advanced Computing. Senior technologist,CTR Repsol.
Patricia Soriano Ferrero, Consultor Advisor CTR Repsol.
David Aller, Senior technologist, CTR Repsol.
Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro, Professor of Applied Mathematics USC, Affiliated researcher of ITMATI.
Jose Luis Ferrín, Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics USC, Affiliated researcher of ITMATI.
Julio González Díaz, Hired Professor USC, Affiliated researcher of ITMATI
Francisco Pena Brage,Associate Professor USC, Affiliated researcher of ITMATI.
Jerónimo Rodríguez, Hired Substitute Professor USC, Affiliated researcher of ITMATI
Gabriel Álvarez Castro, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Marta Benítez García, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
María Teresa Cao Rial, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Oana Teodora Chis, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Óscar Crego Martínez, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Manuel Cremades Buján, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Noemí Esteban Rodríguez, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Pedro Fontán Muíños, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Manuel Fontenla Cadavid, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Irene Llana Garcia, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Joaquín Ossorio Castillo, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Patricio Reyes Valenzuela, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Diego Rodríguez Martínez, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Jorge Rodríguez Veiga, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Álvaro Vázquez Álvarez, Hired researcher of ITMATI.
Date and place: October 14, 2015, Sala de Xuntas of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
This Anniversary Project Launch Meeting is framed as activity in the Joint Research Unit ITMATI-Repsol which has funding of the Galician Agency for Innovation and the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the framework of the Spanish Strategy Innovation in Galicia.