The European Night of Researchers is a scientific dissemination event held simultaneously in cities across Europe on the last Friday of September. The European Researchers' Night in Galicia is called
G-NIGHT and aims to bring the figure of the researcher and the benefits of research to society in general, with special attention to scientific vocations. There will be specific spaces to talk about the European Union and its role in R&D&i strategy.
Among the activities programmed in the framework of the G-NIGHT in Santiago de Compostela, the following two webinars organised by ITMATI will take place. These webinars will take place through the official virtual channel of the G-NIGHT:
Branca García Correa, researcher of the SisAl Pilot project, will talk about Mathematical research in industrial processes, focusing on her experience in an European project.
Umberto Morelli, researcher of the ROMSOC project, will talk about his work and his experience as an European Industrial Doctorate (EID).