The General Assambly of the SisAl Pilot project took place at the Novotel Aachen on 23-24 November 2021.
RWTH Aachen University was the host during the first face-to-face meeting of the SisAl Pilot Project due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The first day of the event started with a visit to the laboratory of IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling, where the test melting furnaces of RWTH Aachen University were available for observation. The attendees had to prove a negative test at Covid-19 to ensure the safety of the visit.

Affiliated Researcher Dolores Gomez at IME - RWTH Aachen University
The Assembly started after noon and focused on the progress of the different Work Packages (WP). The second day of the meeting centred on the progress of the WP2 and WP3 pilot tests, as well as in the preparations for the future project Review Meeting. Usually, these reviews are carried out to check and ensure the smooth running of the project by the Project Officer (on behalf of the EU) and a technical evaluator.
Opening of the General Assembly 2021 in the Meeting Room of the Novotel
The affiliated researcher Dolores Gómez and the researcher Branca García Correa personally attended the General Assembly. On the other hand, the affiliated researcher José Luis Ferrín González, the affiliated researcher Mª Pilar Salgado Rodriguez and the researcher Jorge Albella Martínez did it virtually together with the staff of the Unit Innovation and Technology Transfer of Mathematics to Industry of ITMATI/CITMAGA.