Participation in SIAM-CSE23 in Amsterda, 26 February – 03 March, 2023

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From 26 February to 03 March 2023 the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. During the event, two Minisymposia (MS120, MS154) will be held, coordinated by the affiliated researcher Pilar Salgado of Success Stories of Mathematical Technologies in Societal Challenges and Industry. As part of this, the affiliated researcher Dolores Gómez will present Numerical Simulation of Innovative Processes for Silicon Production in the SisAl Project on Wednesday 1 March at 10:00hs in the Auditorium room of the RAI Congress Centre. The advances that CITMAga has made in recent years within the European Sisal Pilot project will be explained.

Fri, 2023-02-24